Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A group of athletic guys in Adidas gear are sitting around eating french fries or something like that. Its food that is messy and always falls.
Wide and arial shots
They are all doing little quick jumpy movements but its hard to understand what they are doing.
Getting closer it seems like they are dancing in their seats almost. Still not quite sure what is going on.
Medium shot
A guy takes a bite and sees the fry dropping almost on his lap. He kicks it with his shoe as if its a hackey sack or mini soccerball.
It bounces and goes behind him. He does a backwards tap with his other foot and the fry flies in the air and lands in his open mouth.
He looks at the others and shakes his head with a little head bob signifying he is the winner.
The other guys head bob acknowlegement too.

Superimpose: ADIDAS - Sports all the time, competitive for life.
You get the idea?

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