Sunday, July 17, 2011


A movie about rape seems like a challenge. Notably because the beautiful women in my life have some horror story about it.
I tend to think about my rats Itchy and Scratchy. I used to watch them in their glass cage. I forget who was the male and who was the female, but lets just say Itchy was male and Scratchy was female. I had Scratchy first and decided she needed a mate. I was 14 or so about that time. So I went and bought a male rat. I dumped him in the cage and Itchy was pretty scared for a bit. Then they kind of smelled each other and I thought it was all good. No, they fought for a few moments and then moved to other parts of the cage like boxers during a rest period. So I would lose interest and go watch cartoons or whatever and go check up on them every once in a while. After a bit I saw Itchy fighting with Scratchy and overpower her. He would be on top of her. My 14 year old mind was thinking this wasn't quite right, but maybe that is how they designate who is the alpha. I remember thinking that I didn't like Itchy doing that to her against her will. Scratchy would fight on her back scratching away and trying to get loose. But eventually she would give in and Itchy would do whatever he wanted with her.
This wasn't my idealized version of rape but its all I knew. This was the realm of nature as far as I was concerned. I still didn't feel right about it but I accepted it. I figured they would learn to love each other and it would end. After a few days, they were still fighting and Itchy overpowering Scratchy. I couldn't take seeing Scratchy getting hurt so I took Itchy out one night and put him in a neighbor I didn't like's mailbox.
If a woman isn't interested, I'm no longer interested. Maybe its because I'm so used to women going after me and me not being interested in them because I can have what I want.
Writing this might help. I'm thinking its because I know I'm very much wanted because I'm a good looking, talented Persian man. Anyway, the conceited me needs to shut the fuck up. Back to the rape story idea.

A few of the girls I have dated have brought up being raped as a young girl in casual conversation. Which makes me think that generally these girls were the Itchy in my previous story. They didn't know what they wanted. They were afraid/curious about sex. But the Scratchy character pushed and pushed until he got his way. Is that nature? Is that in our natural order? Why did these girls so easily talk about their past rape I wonder. I think rape is easily thrown out there without taking curiousity, young love, etc into mind.
My story idea about rape would just be not showing the rape. Not showing her account, flashback like we always see. It would have to be the moments right after. She calls, has a friend take her home, she doesn't say anything. Her husband/bf sees her and consoles her. Their relationship is strained. If my longtime gf/wife got raped, it would be traumatic and I'd want to go after her rapist and beat the crap out of him if not make him go to prison where he could be raped by a dude.. What if it were two guys? That would be more dramatic. Oooh what would be really cool would be if she goes after him/them for revenge. It has to be an eye for an eye. Castration or something.
A rape comedy? I'm sure that would not go well with audiences. But if Daniel Tosh can joke about it... Rape: The comedy. hah.
I'm remembering a time when I was tired and my gf wouldn't leave me alone until I had sex with her. Would that be rape? I guess that would be my story of rape anyway.
I really don't know, how do writers get inspiration for writing about a subject they are interested to do but have a small personal knowledge about?
I need to think about this a long time. Cause I really don't know too much here and its definitely a story that needs to be told and told well.

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