Friday, September 12, 2008

Future Porn = Syphillys sex

Okay, I had the thought: What would be the more disgusting porn to watch now that the internet has arrived(I say this in present tense assuming it is 1999 when you read this).

Well here is what you see now.
Beastiality, Puke, Gagging, Penis goes ________ insert there, Gang Bang Orgies, Midgets, Ugly chicks, fat girls with no tits, MILF, Grandma's, and thats all I can think of without actually going to any adult website.

Well what I think would be completely new and gross out factor involved so people will watch would be:

Disease Porn.

Yes, like watching a guy with warts all over his cock penetrating a gal with CRABS on her cooch. Or maybe a guy with HIV positive has sex with someone without a condom.
Or Syphillis sex. The possibilities are ENDLESS with the new viruses coming out daily and the strains of those viruses mutating etc.

It wouldn't be a market I'd be into watching more than once or twice, but it would sell.

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